25 Things Your Salon Guests Wish You Knew About Them

  1. You don’t have to be perfect, but I need to know I can rely on you.
  2. I don’t care what systems you have to make business easier for you; I need you to make things a lot easier for me.
  3. I get angry when you won’t get off the phone when I arrive, and I get furious when you answer the phone while you’re supposed to be taking care of me.
  4. It means the world to me when you take the time to thank me for my business and my customer referrals.
  5. You don’t need to do all that much for me to make me a raving fan of your salon. Just do exactly what you say you will do and romance me a little every time you see me.
  6. I don’t understand how to use your beds or spray booths to get the most out of them – but I can’t admit that because it would make me feel dumb.
  7. A friendly, helpful voice on the other end of the phone means more than you can imagine.
  8. All along, your employees have been treating me as well as you’ve been treating them.
  9. I don’t mind spending the money, as long as I feel you’re giving me real value.
  10. My life is really stressful. If you reduce that stress, you become really valuable to me; I want to be here more and spend more.
  11. I want to tell you how you can help me better. Why don’t you ever ask me?
  12. My life is really complicated. Make it easy for me to buy a simple, all-in-one package that I can use without doing much – I’ll buy it and be grateful (And I’ll pay top dollar for it, too).
  13. I want to trust you, but it’s hard for me to trust anyone.
  14. When I refer my friends to you and you give them exceptional service and romance them a little, that makes me look and feel smart. I love that.
  15. Once I trust you, the truth is you can screw up once in awhile and I will forgive you (if I don’t think you’re taking advantage of me).
  16. I spend a lot of time being scared to death; I’m scared I don’t look good, I’m scared I’m getting older, and I’m scared I’m not getting any healthier. Help me to not be scared, and I’ll be loyal forever.
  17. The wealthier I get, the more I like free stuff!
  18. Much of the time, I secretly feel like a lost little kid. I don’t admit it, but I really want you to take care of me.
  19. I’m lousy at admitting I was wrong, but I really respect you when YOU do it. I don’t get that anywhere else.
  20. I like to get little goodies no one else is getting.
  21. There’s no worse feeling than feeling you don’t really care! If I’m screaming at you or one of your staff, that feeling is probably behind it somewhere.
  22. Our relationship isn’t equal and it never will be.
  23. I get crazy jealous if I think you love another customer more than you love me!
  24. I don’t have any interest in your excuses. In fact, I actually don’t notice them, and if I do, they annoy me.