It’s December … new products have hit the shelves and your customers are starting to visit your salon more and more frequently as they prepare for holiday parties. The opportunity to sell pr... Read more
Now that school is back in session (and has been for a while in most of the country), it’s time for a little sales review. The selling process is fairly easy and routine; it becomes difficul... Read more
There’s a commercial for a large office supply store that airs in the fall featuring the Christmas song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” which plays while a parent gleefully ride... Read more
In the indoor tanning industry, pretty much everyone has the same feeling about the hiring and training process: it’s a necessary evil that becomes a never-ending cycle. We advertise for emp... Read more
Welcome to summer! Or, as we refer to it in the indoor tanning world, off-season. Maintaining good customer relations is as important during this time of the year as any, if not more so. Ind... Read more
We all love to be busy, especially in sales. Busy usually equals money, or at least opportunity. That being said, I’m surprised when salon staff complain about being too busy! I’ve never met... Read more
One question I always ask of attendees at a sales training, regardless if it is “Selling 101” or “Advanced Selling,” is “How many of you are motivated by money?” Generally speaking, nearly e... Read more
We’ve all heard that one of the most important ways to grow a small business is through loyal clients, and it’s hard to argue with this idea. Typically, small businesses have limited adverti... Read more
Your salon guests are your lifeblood. They are the reason you have a job. They keep your lights on, pay your bills, keep your staff employed, allow you to grow and expand, pay for school, pu... Read more
For salons in most parts of the U.S., tanning season is just around the corner (and in some parts, it has already started). In order to maximize your profits and sales commissions this year,... Read more
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