Here’s some discussion of the most popular questions I receive regarding sunbed voltage and tanning times: How does voltage affect lamp performance? Almost all sunbeds marketed in the U.S. e... Read more
Great question! While most sunlamp manufacturers list a rated lamp life for their products, few say what their method is for determining that rating. Is it the number of “lamp on” hours afte... Read more
Does more wattage equal better tanning capability, or just more power consumption? Wattage is primarily a measure of power consumption, not necessarily irradiance (output). The wattage of a... Read more
I recently got a call from a salon owner who had taken over an existing salon business. She had been calling distributors trying to get pricing and asking which lamps to use in her tanning s... Read more
Team Wolff frequently gets asked these two related questions: Do sunlamps depreciate over time or just with use? Do they have a “shelf life”? First, let’s talk about how a low-pressure sunla... Read more
What is the difference between a 10-, 20- and 30-minute sunlamp? What would happen if you put a 10-minute lamp in a 20-minute tanning system? Perhaps a better question is, “What is the diffe... Read more
The process begins with the glass. A high-quality glass allows more of the energy created inside the lamp to get out and do its “work” – producing a cosmetic tan. When measuring glass qualit... Read more
What are UVB percentages and what do they tell you about sunlamp performance? During a recent sunlamp training session with a tanning product distributor, Team Wolff encountered a sales staf... Read more
Sunlight is absolutely essential to all life on earth. There are various reasons, both physiological and psychological, why exposure to bright light is desirable and has positive effects on... Read more
Team Wolff often hears this question from salon operators: I finally decided to start using a UV meter to monitor my beds and lamps. The problem is, the lamps have been operating for almost... Read more
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