We go to work a salon owner or staff member, who deals with all types of clients and today, one of those clients just stepped on our last nerve and we lashed out. (OMG. I hope not, but it could possibly happen.) On our way home, we stop to pick up a few groceries and now, we are the customer. Our cashier has had a bad day too, and lashes out at us. In our head, we’re thinking, “Well, I would never treat a customer that way” and then we remember that salon client from earlier in the day…Crud!
It all comes down to The Golden Rule – treating people the way we would like to be treated, ourselves. Maybe that’s The Titanium Rule! When it comes to business, especially, it’s your job to make sure that every client feels appreciated and valued. No excuses accepted or allowed.
I love this quote by Nelson Boswell: “Here is a simple but powerful rule – always give people more than what they expect to get.” Then, treat them better.
So, here are a few tips to avoid losing customers.
For starters: You want to get PAID? It’s the truth; without your clients, you don’t have a salon or a job. We have bills, mortgages, kids to feed and our clients pay for that. Wal-Mart founder, Sam Walton, said that your customer buys your cars, your house and sends you on vacations, and if you upset him, he’ll dismiss you! And our clients will, too, if we don’t treat them as the most important part of our businesses.
Did you know that 85 percent of consumers shop more often and spend more at establishments that provide a higher level of customer service? And, 82 percent will then recommend those retailers. So, coach and educate your team: every contact with a client influences their paycheck.
Don’t assume. It’s all about attitude! How many times have we assumed that the customer can’t afford a lotion or isn’t interested, or just isn’t going to buy? It’s all about service with “attitude”. Attitude that says, “I want to build a relationship with you and always be here to serve you, answer your questions and make your experience a pleasant one, no matter what!” Even if they don’t buy? It happens all the time. Just be careful not to assume that because they didn’t buy today, that they won’t buy tomorrow, or a week from now. If you know your clients well and treat them “better than they expect”, they’ll buy from you – and often. Every day is a smile and a “thank you” and a sincere show of appreciation. They’ll be back, and the sale will happen. It’s all about the quiet attitude of being there to serve all your clients when they are ready.
“Although your customers won’t love you if you give bad service, your competitors will.” ~ KATE ZABRISKIE
Courtesy Counts! Ninety-five percent of customers leave a business because of inattentive and impolite employees. Have you ever been made to feel “invisible”? Or like you’re “keeping” an employee from doing their “job”? It’s horrible, and we all experience it far too often. In order to maintain a level of great customer service, the leadership must set the example. I say, never expect your team to do anything that you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself – so every move you make will leave an impression on your team and affect their relations with your clients. Value your team as much as you value your clients; reward staff longevity as much as you reward client loyalty. Then, value both sides of the relationship, from the client’s perspective and from the owner’s perspective. Common courtesy is so basic and obviously, so needed within the workplace as well as in our day-to-day lives.
Now in his fourth year with Supre Tan, John P. Johnson is a Senior Training Specialist, providing product and sales education to salon operators across the country. Holding Master’s Degrees in both Industrial/Organizational Management and Clinical Psychology, he uses motivational speaking and coaching to bring passion back into the lives of business owners and their teams to encourage community service and giving.
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