The better question might be “If lotions are talking, what are they saying and what are you saying back?” An even more concerning question is why you are talking to inanimate objects… are you losing it? Have you finally gone over the edge? Relax, we’re not sending in the shrinks with straight-jackets just yet.
Lotions talking? That’s craziness! Or just maybe, it’s pure genius!
When any consumer shops for and ultimately purchases fashion and beauty products like fragrances, clothing, cosmetics and tanning lotions, it’s always a direct reflection of their own unique style and personality.
A fierce sales team that breaks sales records is more than just good at sales. They are masters at getting to know what your guests love, and what they don’t love. They have mentally noted what they wear, what their hobbies are and what styles they like and dislike. They listen to everything the guest talks about, then entices them with beauty and tanning products that fit their unique personalities and tanning goals – the actual “selling part” becomes effortless because they make the guest feel like that product was created just for them!
It’s time for your dream team to achieve elite level status! They’ll not only be experts at knowing the personalities of your guests, they’ll also be masters at knowing the style and personality of each product on your shelf – that’s right, the best way to get to know your lotions inside and out is to embrace the concept that each product has its own identity and personality, just like your guests.
You’ve looked at them, touched and even sniffed them; now, it’s time to take your relationship with lotions to the next level. The LOTIONS are talking… are you listening?
4 Key Lotion Traits to Focus On (order of importance dictated by the guest)
Appearance: Also called “packaging” includes the product name, bottle shape, color schemes, text content and even font style for all the text. Your guests who are visually stimulated will make buying decisions based on looks alone. It may be as simple as their favorite color on the bottle or a more subconscious attraction to pop culture or the ‘all-natural’ movement.
Performance: What’s it going to do for me? This is when knowing specific product benefits becomes vital because tanning goals and expectations can differ greatly from one guest to another. An Ohio State graduate-turned-soccer-mom going on a Disney Cruise in three days will most likely have totally different tanning desires and budget than a 20-year-old Florida State sorority sister.
Fragrance: As much as we like to think our own personal opinion is the driving force for all mankind, when it comes to fragrance, no one cares what you like! Scent is a very personal factor and what we love, others may loathe. Honing skills to describe a scent and its essence is much more valuable to sales then our own personal opinions.
Feel: How a bottle feels in the guest’s hands, how the product feels and absorbs when they sample it and how their skin feels during and after their session will dictate lotion purchases. When you can describe to a guest how a lotion feels and why, your superior product knowledge will help you make the sale.
David is a National Educator for Sun Evolutions, offering brands including Supre Tan, ProTan, Fiesta Sun and Hempz. He is a face-to-face sales and beauty product fanatic who gauges his success solely on his effectiveness at selling real product to real, live salon guests.
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