It’s almost hard to believe that another year has come and gone. My, how time flies! Of course, as one year ends and another begins, it’s tradition to make a New Year’s resolution – a pact of sorts that you make with yourself to stay on track, become a better person and live a fuller, happier life. With our eyes toward the future, everyone at ist Magazine – including our many talented contributing writers – continue this annual tradition… and wish you the best of luck in making 2013 a great year.
Sherron Barden, Managing Editor “I resolve to stop sweating the small stuff.”
Vince Lorraine, Publisher “…to find the ever-elusive balance between faith, family, health, business, friends & philanthropy to achieve a greater happiness.”
Oscar, Top Dog/Office Greeter “… to become multi-lingual.”
Keri Larange, Graphic Designer “I resolve to be a more proactive person & hopefully inspire others to do the same.”
Melody Richmond, Project Manager “… to be aware of what’s important in life by making sure my priorities are focused on the things that really matter, such as my family & my personal happiness.”
Jacob Roman, Web Designer “I resolve to sharpen my skills as a designer & developer, become more confident about my work & myself.”
Liz Wenstrom, Executive Account Manager “I resolve to stay as calm & stress free as possible & not become a ‘Bridezilla’ before my August wedding.”
John P. Ribner, Head Writer/Director of Content “… to make the changes I need in order to live the life I’ve always wanted.”
Hiedi Howart, Accountant “… to teach my children the importance of the value of things, not just the price.”
Roy Carrasco, Marketing “I resolve to be more proactive in fixing the things that cause me stress.”
Kim Davis, Controller “… to eat healthier & get my son & me back into shape.”
Megan Shurkey, Circulation “This year, I resolve to tan more often, work out regularly & eat healthy.”
David McFarland, National Sales Trainer, Performance Brands “I want to set a good example for my children – so, I resolve to never, ever read or send an email or text while I’m driving. My eyes will never leave the road.”
Gina Jaeger-Morris, Business Development Manager, Supre Tan, Inc. “… to be the best mom in the entire universe to my first child & to lose my ‘baby weight’ in a little over two months so I can fit into a bridesmaids’ dress by July 1.”
Jeremy Herring, Business Support Manager, Helios “I resolve to spend more quality time with (as well as more deeply invest in) my family & friends.”
Brenda Fishbaugh, President, Eye Pro, Inc. “My big 2013 resolution is to have more fun! I think I get too worried about things & don’t just chill & relax. I’m really enjoying photography, kayaking & seeing the world, so my resolution is ‘no drama here’.”
John Farr, Power Group Companies “For 2013 I resolve to spend more time in the gym, more time with my wife & Golden Retrievers, more time with kids & grandkids … more time just spending time.”
Cheri Mullenix, Sales & Marketing, Wolff System Technology Corp. “I resolve to live more in the moment & to appreciate my blessings.”
Lisa Parsons, National Sales & Education, Ed Hardy Tanning “… to take steps every day to find time to do something just for myself. And, to stop eating candy at night!”
Grant Miller, “I resolve to set more clearly defined goals & a more detailed action plan for achieving them. I also plan to give more back by using my time & marketing skills to help local charities raise money so they can continue their good work. I already write lots of checks to charities that are important to me; but I know I can do even more by giving of my time & energy.”
Jenny Bortman CIC, Vice President, Universal Insurance “With baby No. 2 coming just in time for the New Year, I hope to be a better napper during my time off in January.”
John P. Johnson, Senior Training Specialist, Supre Tan “I resolve to devote more time educating about the importance of exceptional customer service to every client and anyone who will listen. I resolve to continue my travels to educate, motivate & stimulate business growth and to thank everyone I encounter for supporting Supre Tan & making my job so incredibly fulfilling. Then, more of a wish than a resolution, I hope our industry continues to grow & get stronger; that we come together to fight anti-tanning legislation & make more people aware of the positive side of what we do. Together with Supre Tan & Hempz, I will continue to be there for this industry & help contribute to the success of each & every one of you.”
Since 1997, IST Magazine (formerly known as Island Sun Times) has been committed to the success of salon professionals, while promoting the growth of the tanning industry as a whole.
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