Peera /
Dear Readers,
This month begins Volume 25 of your favorite tanning trade publication!
Any anniversary is an occasion to look back – of course, what you see in the rearview isn’t always everything you’d hoped it would be, but a milestone is a milestone. Since 1997, Team IST has been proud to contribute to the tanning industry with a monthly publication dedicated to helping salon operators work smarter, and giving our advertisers a top-notch platform for promoting the many quality products that help you do business every day.
I don’t have to tell you that for the last year, doing business in pretty much any industry has required an adaptive strategy. Tanning lotion makers have ramped up their webinar schedules to keep salon staff up-to-date on new products and how to increase sales. Product distributors are engaging with salon operators via virtual expos, including: Heartland Tan (February 4-5), Four Seasons (March 2-3) and JK Products & Services “Experience Ergoline” (March 23-24.) These unique opportunities can help get you ready to make the most of the 2021 busy season (“COVID Version”).
We’re all looking forward to the time when we can gather again and experience our industry’s energy at in-person distributor events – where you can participate in our Sun is Life® Salon Operator Training, classroom style. Until then, the super-affordable program is available 24/7/365 online at Watch the IST Facebook page for a schedule of virtual sessions taught by master tan biz trainer and SIL Director, Joe Schuster.
On the subject of product distributors, PC Tan – founded by my good friend and true industry pioneer, Susan Miller – was recently acquired by Tanning Supplies Unlimited (see p.12). My congrats to all involved and best wishes for the future. In other news, read about my friend and fellow industry veteran (Helios software creator) Tony Toepfer, who took New York to court for the right to operate his salons during a state-imposed COVID lockdown. His successful lawsuit could impact salon businesses in the future.
Though our country’s future is uncertain, you can continue to count on IST.
Thanks for reading,
was the Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of ist Magazine from 1997 - 2024.
Copyright 2020 ist Magazine